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Writer's pictureSherwood Bedding

Mattress Materials & Bedroom Air Quality: What You Need to Know

In today’s age, fully climate-controlled homes rarely have their windows open. As a result, indoor air quality becomes a serious health issue that all too often goes ignored. Take the case of your bedroom, for example, in which most of us spend more time than any other room in the house. Are you aware that all the furniture in that room, including your mattress, is slowly releasing gasses and other substances into the air you breathe all night long?

Indoor Air Quality & the Myth of Air Filters

According to the EPA, indoor air pollution is among the top five environmental health risks, yet it rarely gets much attention in the news. The most important thing to understand when it comes to indoor air quality is that there are essentially two different types of pollutants in our homes:

First, there are what’s known as particulate matter pollutants such as dust, mold, pollen, and pet dander. While frustrating and hazardous to your health if ignored, these are generally the types of pollutants that can be kept under control with a quality furnace air filter or an air filtration machine that you can set up in any room in your house.

The second type of pollutants, gaseous pollutants, pose a far greater danger due to their ability to pass straight through home air filtration devices. These types of pollutants emit out of everything from adhesives, paints, and varnishes, to cleaning products, pesticides, and even air fresheners. This also happens to the be the category that home furnishings (including mattresses) fall into, which is why it’s so important to understand the types and origins of materials inside your bed.

The Importance of Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Mattress Materials

When you think about it, is there any single piece of furniture in your home that you spend more time in close contact with than your mattress? At an average of eight hours per day across the average mattress lifespan of seven years, that’s more than 20,000 hours that you will be breathing any and all gasses coming from inside your mattress.

With such a startling statistic, there are essentially only two options to making sure you aren’t putting you and your family’s health in jeopardy each night:

  • Option A: You could open your windows every day and use large fans to circulate clean air throughout the entire house. While this is would be a good idea for any homeowner to do from time to time, those who suffer from allergies simply can’t afford to let all those allergens back into the house on a daily basis. Furthermore, most of us don’t live in a climate where opening the windows every day of the year is very realistic.

  • Option B: Do your research and select a quality mattress made entirely with materials that don’t pose your family or the planet any danger. At Sherwood Bedding, we use only the most eco-friendly and sustainable materials that are also non-toxic. This includes everything from the soy-based, CertiPUR-US certified memory foam we use in the comfort layers of our beds, to the natural fire retardant sprays and non-toxic glues that help our products achieve higher standards than the competition.

Experience a Sherwood Bed for Yourself

If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to experience the superior comfort and longevity of our top rated sustainable and eco-friendly mattresses, we invite you to visit a retailer in your area. We’re confident that our manufacturing guarantee ensures every layer that has made its way into our beds has been tested for your safety.

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